Most of us have a strong priority for children´s health but some have totally misunderstood one of the major threats they face – approved by societies probably misled by profit interests!
Based on new important work, we will start up in Sweden (in Swedish) – where we focus on Martha Burges work (see below), our biopsychosocial stress medicine (a) psychophysiological assessment and (b) tool box as well as individual evidenced based documentation (single case design using AI to move up to normative reference library level)
Some work we rely heavily on:
1. Martha Burge: ”The ADD myth; How to Cultivate the Unique Gifts of Intense Personalities” is an interesting approach (not far from our own) which we will use in education as well as an humanistic way to consider individual variation which not always fit into formalistic structures of societies. Some specific pars of Martha Burge´s book are excellent to use for education of teachers. Then ”treatment” can be based on non-clinical education by teachers in schools.adding to this we use our tool box; individual adjusted diet, exercise, psychological and social training as well as other basics as sleep and a dynamic ways of living where activities of joy is one important ”thing”. NB Burge´s work is not only for ADHD and the like but for many others also who managed to avoid psychiatric diagnosis.
2. Save normal, otherwise artificial epidemics explode …
”Save normal” by Allen Frances – psychiatrist and chair of the DSM IV Task Force committee responsible for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (now V has emerged), named ”the bible of psychiatry” – critically analys the present situation of ”mental Disorders”. Frances describes how Big Pharma has systematic misused this ”bible” for their own profits resulting in an extensive diagnostic inflation, e.g. suddenly ADHD diagnoses were tripled. A pharmacological created disease epidemic was crated – very bad, complex consequences for societies and individuals.
DSM IV (and V) should not be used for poor, weak based and unsure diagnostic “seal of approval”. We can as a matter of facts create or reinforce a disease through wrong, stamping diagnosis. A diagnostic hypothesis carefully followed-up with biopsychosocial medical measures can prevent incorrectness. A diagnose can facilitate formal support in societies but can prevent further investigations. There are effective investigation- and measures within biopsychosocial medicine which are not yet used within school medicine.
The solution I suggest is addressed in my professor (2006) presentation which will be presented shortly in a more concrete and practical useful way in connection with an educational system called “Healthcreators”, a step by step educational system starting from cero for interested patients as well as health care providers. This tool box is based on my dissertation 1986 (which is based on Roskie, Lazarus and others work) and more than 20 years’ work as scientist and practician.
Swedish Center for Stress Medicine start up an interest foundation group to constructive solidness and fighting power address the above toward ”lifestyle medicine for all – by us all” where also individual biological evidenced based documentation is an important part integrated in an AI-based data base system
Burge, Martha. (2012) The ADD myth; How to Cultivate the Unique Gifts of Intense Personalities.Conari Press.
Frances, Allen. (2013) Saving normal. An insider´s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric diagnosis, DSM-5, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life” HarperCollinsPublisher
Goldacre, Ben. (2013) Bad Pharma, How drug companies misled doctors and harm patients, N.Y.: Harper & Harper
Getzsche, Peter. DeadlyMedicine and Organized Crime: How big pharma has corrupted healthcrare
Below is first ADHD discussed but then also more broadly children´s health from a socio-cultural perspective.
One of the largest threats toward children´s health is the increasing use of drugs for children believed ”having” ADHD. See specifically the article in New York Times some month ago ”Ritalin Gone Wrong” by L. ALAN SROUFE in the sub site here.
It is a mystery how pharmacological profit interests can manipulate the medical societies concerning lifestyle diseases in general (lifestyle related diseases should not be treated with lifestyle changes but with pills – who will believe in this?) but in particular for ”treatment” of children believed, actually mostly a non qualified guess – that they need pills. They get better you might say! Yes, some a short time (which is not scientifically evidenced based predicted but for the physician but only by change – not evidenced based research here – not needed, while most pharmacological substances are not even tested at all at children?) but over time they get addicted and the reason for their hyperactive behaviors is not Neuropsychiatric disorder and absence of pills but biopsychosocial stress, where e.g. biological stress can relate to low magnesium which prevent proper functioning of dopamine. Psychosocial stress can relate to others reactions to their lack of capacity to regulate complex hormonal reactions which can have been gradually developed due to wrong food (e.g. too much sugar leading to acidosis, hyperventilation, dysfunctional autonomic nervous systems, … which is not apparently of interests for the medical society – or?
We try not to, without normal economical research support start up a biopsychosocial approach to
1. Do detailed analysis of individuals biopsychosocial dynamic functions/systems/behaviors and
2. From this complex multidisciplinary data try to, together with each individual find out how to tailor the biopsychosocial medicine tools via education and supervision.
3. Validate the process using IBED, Individual Evidenced based Documentation
More info soon!
Children´s health and our socio-cultural impact on health – the concept of socio-cultural medicine
Text soon here