Summarized of the paradigm used by Bo von Schéele

2022-08-12 NB the below is needed to be updated ASAP! Will here ___ insert when more completed updated!

  1. Realizing that not one of us have access to absolute (100 % secure) knowledge but more or less well approaching it based on well-articulated knowledge-based paradigms (see below), requires awareness of the prerequisite for a serious scientific/clinical work. To believe that you present thinking concerns absolute truth is to misunderstand education and epistemology. Thus, we do not work with 100% or 0 % knowledge but different degrees of certainty. This mean, e.g. we cannot “do” a  “stamp set in stone diagnosis but a diagnosis working hypothesis, at best operationalized and a priori predicted. 

    Below I present my present (gradually critically updated step by step ahead), and this is “my way” to platform my work on. 

  2. Extended Karl Poppers three worlds
    1. World 1: The physical real world (Nature – evolution of DNA)
    2. World 2-3*: Homo Sapiens – The intra and inter human intelligence world (intra/inter cultural – evolution of Mems – where Poppers world three** is fragmented documentations – as at present knowledge is not complete here still Thomas Kuhn´s paradigm conceptualization is a platform …
    3. The World 4: Next step = Nomo InTelligence (evolution of non-biological based intelligence
  1. Critical rationalism – is the philosophy developed by Karl Popper during the middle of the 20th century. Popper’s approach is based on the naturalistic idea that society has developed through a process of solving problems using trial and error. Popper is inspired by early thinkers as Thales (Like Thales, who encourage initiates, as well as ourselves, to criticize our arguments and values in order to increase/refine our insight and outlook theoretically and practically peacefully together) and Protagoras on questioning knowledge and aspects on rhetoric – in the fight of deduction and induction Charles Sanders Peirce, George Kelly and others in modern thinking used the abduction conceptualization, where Popper used the conceptualization hypothetico-deductive model but Galileo and Bacon is here also in the “background”!
  2. Reductionism as the base of western scientific development which (a) not only does not reach absolute knowledge (still in real – also scientific – world often forgotten) buit also (b) miss the systems interactions withing and between systems. Particular dangerous is this in clinical science which concerns individuals (ideographic perspective) where patients has to adjust to nomothetic, limited reductionistic knowledge.
  3. Why I – considering above limited knowledge base – use systems integrating biopsychosocial medicine (Engel, 1977) based on psychophysiological behavioral medicine ( is simply that we have possibilities to platform our work on individual dynamic knowledge. We do have some clinical useful knowledge and experience of AND what we (patients and clinicians) can use as a real time guide for improving some superior crucial systems as the autonomic nervous system and parts of cell metabolism. See “patient as an educated, reasonable competent coworker and resource in own rehab”.
  4.  Much more is to come …

* The mental constructed map of individuals, groups, organizations, cultural … assumed real world. , internalized and then further elaborated internal and external influenced – conscious and not conscious! See more about Stephen Pepper, George Kelly, ….

** Popper´s world three: The library of all present knowledge, a multifaced chaos of assumed truth, theories, paradigms, ideologies, religions etc.

Some crucial references will be included

BvS – 2020-05-23